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The Constitution of Great Britain is unwritten. Its rules depend on precedent modified by a constant process of interpretation. The parliament consists of two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has a majority in the House of Commons. The party which obtains the majority of seats in the House of Commons is called the Government and the others — the Opposition.

Every citizen of Great Britain who is 18 years old and has the right to vote can vote for a Member of Parliament. Voting is by secret ballot. At intervals of not more than five years the British people in a general election elect Members of the House of Commons.


b) The USA is a presidential republic, which consists of 50 states. The American presidential election is fixed by law every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. On this day the citizens of the USA elect the President and Vice-President, 35 USA Senate seats (approximately one-third) and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives (Congressmen).

The Constitution of the USA, the oldest constitution in the world, was adopted in 1787. The first President of the USA was George Washington.

1. The United Kingdom is a unitary state.

2. The powers of the Queen are not limited.

3. Great Britain is a presidential republic.

4. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is elected by the people.

5. Citizens of Great Britain vote for the Queen.

6. The British people elect Members of the House of Commons.

7. The USA is a presidential republic.

8. The American presidential elections take place in November.

9. The Vice-President is elected on Sunday in November.

10. The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787.

64. Do task 18 on page 136. 65*. Do exercise 62b in 1 minute.

Lesson 62

66. Do exercise 47.

67. Do exercise 62b in 1 minute.


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