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A lot of people visit the monument every day.

Who created the monument to Duchess Olha in 1911?

Who collected money for the monument?

Who destroyed the monument in 1919?

When was the monument rebuilt?

Who stands in the centre of the monument?

Who is on the left of Duchess Olha?

Who is on the right of Duchess Olha?

Who visits the monument every day?

75. Cover the right side of the page (exercise 48), read the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine and translate them into Ukrainian.

76*. Answer the questions (exercise 74 ) in writing.

Lesson 64

77. Read your answers (exercise 76).

78. Make acquaintance with the table of stars (знаки зодіаку). Read the part of the table which concerns your star at a certain period of time.


(March 21 — April 4) Now is no time for you to hold back either your feelings or your best efforts. You'll have the ability to achieve remarkable results. (April 5 — April 19) You'll have what it takes to succeed and you'll attract attention as well.


(April 20 — May 5) You may try hard to'get out of a difficult situation, but certain decisions may create new problems. (May 6 — May 20) Listen to people who've been in your shoes before. Ignorance won't be an acceptable excuse. Try to get some good advice.


(May 21 — June 6) You'll be in the mood for a big change, but you should try to proceed in a slow and methodical manner, even if the change is dramatic. (June 7 — June 20) You won't want to leave the old neighborhood, literally or figuratively, without saying good-bye!


(June 21 — July 7) You may share a strong interest with


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