someone who you usually don't get along with on a social level. Try to communicate. (July 8 — July 22) You may behave in an unusually compulsive manner, and this behavior may lead to a temporary rift in a friendship. (Jul. 23 — Aug. 7) You may realize that you left behind something that you really can't do without. Go back and reclaim what is yours. (Aug. 8 — Aug. 22) A new co-worker might become a new friend in a short amount of time if you cooperate. (Aug. 23 — Sept. 7) You can get ahead start quickly but if you allow yourself to fall behind, it will take you a long time to catch up. (Sept. 8 — Sept. 22) Mysteries and enigmas will exist wherever you are, and you may have to solve many of these puzzles. (Sept. 23 — Oct. 7) Take care not to become involved in a tug-of-war with someone who'll be better-prepared and more equipped than you. (Oct. 8 — Oct. 22) Make the rules early, and stick to them no matter what. Consistency will provide the key to success. (Oct. 23 — Nov. 7) You may want to approach things in a more casual manner in order to foster greater friendship and teamwork on the job. Do not rush! (Nov. 8 — Nov. 21) You may be hearing the same old warnings and admonitions. You can learn from these words of advice. (Nov. 22 — Dec. 7) It may take a little more energy than usual to keep things going all week long, but the reward will be worth it, when all is said and done. (Dec. 8 — Dec. 21) Don't let your insecurities affect you in a way that may offend a friend who has tried to help. (Dec. 22 — Jan. 6) Now it is the time for you to settle into a routine which can bring consistent and measurable gains every day. You must make