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The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Supreme Rada.

Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.

The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles.

Some parts of the Constitution in English and Ukrainian are represented below.

Constitution of Ukraine1The Supreme Rada of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian nation — Ukrainian citizens of all nationalities,

expressing the sovereign will of the nation,

Конституція України^ Верховна Рада України від імені Українського народу громадян України всіх національностей,

виражаючи суверенну волю народу,

1  (Unofficial translation)

Council of Advisors to the Parlia

ment of Ukraine. Commissioned by the Secretariat of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine.


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