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1) Я люблю готувати їжу. 2) Моя сестра не любить куховарити. 3) Зателефонуй мені через 15 хвилин, я зараз готую їжу. 4) Ти любиш готувати їжу, чи не так? 5) Хто любить готувати їжу? — Моя мати. 6) Я не люблю котлет. 7) Вона любить біфштекс із смаженою картоплею. 8) Візьми шматок хліба. 9) Я звичайно обідаю у шкільній їдальні. 10) Мій друг ніколи не обідає у шкільній їдальні.

Lesson 44,

75. Form as many questions as you can using the substitution tables.

71. Do exercise 62.

72. Read your translation (exercise 70).

73. Do exercise 67b in 1 minute.

74. Read the joke and retell it.

A young man his girl-friend were in a restaurant. The young man studied the menu ['menju:] for a long time. It was written in French which the young man did not know. Not wishing to show his ignorance1 before his girl-friend he said pointing with his finger2,, "I think we'll have some of that, waiter."

The waiter glanced to where the man was pointing and said, "I'm sorry, but that's the orchestra [D:kistro] is playing."

So I decided not to prepare my dinner, put on my coat and went out. There was a good restaurant not far from my house.

69*. Do exercise 67b in 1 minute.

70*. Translate into English in writing.


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