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6) to serve

7) a waiter

8) to pay the bill

9) to be hungry

10) tomato juice

11) to have some water

12) to have some milk

13) to have some coffee

14) self-service

15) Many pupils of our school have dinner in our canteen.

16) Meal in our canteen is cheaper than in cafe.

17) I prefer to have dinner at home.

18) As a rule I have bread, eggs and tea for breakfast.

19) As hungry as a hunter.

20) I am dying of hunger.

21) A hungry belly ['beli] has no ears.

обслуговувати офіціант

оплатити рахунок бути голодним томатний сік випити води випити молока випити кави самообслуговування Багато учнів нашої школи обідають в їдальні, їжа в нашій їдальні дешевша, ніж у кав'ярні.

Я віддаю перевагу обідам удома.

Як правило, я їм на сніданок хліб, яйця і п'ю чай. Голодний як вовк. Я помираю від голоду. Голодній кумі хліб на умі.

68. Read the text and translate it.


As my mother was out I decided to prepare my dinner myself. I went into the kitchen and saw lots of tins there. There were tins of soup, tins of fish, tins of vegetables and tins of fruit. It was difficult for me to choose. At last I took down from the shelves a tin of tomato soup and a tin of sardines [sa:'di:nz].

For a long time I could not find the tin opener. At last I found it: it was in a drawer1. At last I opened the tin of soup, I thought I was very clever because I have done it without cutting my fingers. Then I poured2 the soup into a pan and put it on the gas-stove.

Then I decided to open the other tin. It was very difficult to do because it had a different kind of opener: it was like a key and I had to turn it round and round. The sardines were in olive [aliv] oil. Once again I thought I was very clever because I opened the tin without cutting myself. So I emptied3 the sardines out to a dish.

When I emptied sardines out to the dish, I heard a noise and looked out quickly: the top and the sides of the stove were a beautiful pink4 colour. The pan was almost empty. When I turned away from the stove, I saw my black cat Murka — she was licking the dish clean5. I threw a pan at the cat but missed6 her.


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