The other kind of store are variety chain-stores1. Originally they handle only cheap goods, but some of them offer good quality at reasonable prices. Sometimes there is no dividing walls between the departments. As well as big stores, there are other kinds of shops. Independent shopkeepers can make money there, particularly in smaller communities. The department store offers more elaborate facilities for the customer's convenience and comfort than other shops. 1) Different kinds of stores are for the same purpose — to supply customers with the right goods at the most expensive price. 2) Department stores supply customers with the right goods, at the right time, at the right place, at the right price. 3) Almost every city has big department stores. 4) Some department stores take up a whole city block. 5) There are big stores which sell only pins and hats. 6) Sometimes there is no dividing walls between the departments of the store. 7) There are no other kinds of shops except department stores. 8) Independent shopkeepers can make money in little shops. 9) The department store cannot offer more facilities than other shops. 10) The department store offers more elaborate facilities than other shops. 32. Read the dialogues in pairs. Make up your own dialogues using the given ones as a model. AT THE GROCER'S Shop-assistant: What can I do for you, madam? Lady-customer: I want some tea, some sugar and some butter: a quarter of a pound1 of tea, a pound of sugar and half a pound of butter. Shop-assistant: Yes, madam. Lady-customer: Oh, I want a little cheese too. Shop-assistant: What cheese and how much? Lady-customer: That one, a quarter of a pound. Shop-assistant: Don't you want any coffee, madam? Lady-customer: That's all for today.