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We buy bread at the baker's shop.

We buy tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausage, tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned fish, jam and other food at the grocer's shop.

We buy f'uit and vegetables at the greengrocer's.

The shop, where we buy meat, is called the butcher's shop.

There are also shops which sell different goods. These shops are: ready-made clothes, footwear, haberdashery, sport goods and others.

But there are large shops with many departments, where we can buy almost all we want. These shops are called department stores.

11. a) Read the word-combinations and sentences with the translation.

b) Cover the left side of the page and translate into English.

1) to buy bread

2) to buy cheese

3) butcher's shop

4) greengrocer's shop

5) tinned fish

6) department store

7) tinned meat

8) We buy tinned fruit at the grocer's shop.

9) We don't buy sugar at the butcher's shop.

10) — Do you buy fruit at the greengrocer's shop?

— Yes, I do,

11) We can buy almost all we want at the department stores.

12) — What can you buy at the department store?

— Almost all I want.

купувати хліб купувати сир м'ясний магазин овочевий магазин рибні консерви універмаг м'ясні консерви Ми купуємо консервовані фрукти у бакалійній крамниці.

Ми не купуємо цукор у м'ясному магазині.

— Ти купуєш фрукти в овочевому магазині?

— Так.

Ми можемо купити _ майже все, що хочемо, в універмагах.

— Що ти можеш купити в універмазі?

— Майже все, що хочу.

12*. Copy the words and word-combinations into your vocabularies

(exercise 9). 13*. Do exercise lib in 45 seconds.

Lesson 35

14. Do exercise 9.

15. Do exercise lib in 45 seconds.

16. Answer the questions.


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