It was a sort of10 air bridge high above the ground. The crowd gave a loud shout as one of the men stepped out of the window onto the ladder and quickly went towards the burning factory. He got over and jumped into the other window. "There is he again!" shouted the people when they saw him out on the ladder with an unconscious man on his shoulders. "It's Jem Wilson!" Margaret cried out. Jem moved slowly, the ladder shook under him. The people watched him holding their breath11. At last he reached the opposite window. In a few moments the hero appeared on the ladder again. He was going over for the other worker. But on his way back he moved very slowly. Suddenly he stopped, holding the other man on his shoulders. The crowd stood silent with horror. Many shut their eyes not to see Jem fall. There were only four or five steps left between the brave man and the window. Gathering all his strength he took another step forward... another... still another. At last he reached the window. The lives of two men had been saved.