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the British Isles, and the great social and cultural differences between them, the forms of English which they use remain2 mutually3 intelligible4 to a remarkable degree. Partly this is because all English-speaking communities have held to a standard spelling system. There are a number of points of difference in spelling between English of the United States and that of Britain (the other communities follow the British mode, except that many US spellings are usual or acceptable5 in Canada): but they are relatively6 minor7. The major differences are in pronunciation, vocabulary, and, to a lesser degree, grammar.

121. Translate into English using the text.

1) Англійською мовою користуються у багатьох країнах. 2) Англійська мова — основна у п'яти країнах. 3) Англійська мова цих п'яти країн зрозуміла усім англомовним країнам, хоча існують деякі відмінності. 4) Основні відмінності між мовами цих п'яти країн — у вимові і лексиці.

122. Express surprise about the following statements as in the


— He is the best pupil in our form.

— Is he the best pupil in our form?

1) English is spoken only in the USA. 2) Our mother tongue is German. 3) All English-speaking communities have different spelling systems. 4) We are pupils of the 8th form. 5) We speak French at our English lessons. 6) It is cold in summer and warm in winter. 7) Liechtenstein is a big country. 8) Russia is situated in Africa. 9) The USA is situated in Europe.

123. Do exercise 122 and say what is in reality as in the example.

— Our mother tongue is French.

— Is our mother tongue French? — Our mother tongue is Ukrainian.

124. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the meaning of the prefix dis-.


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