Then Harris packed the strawberry6 jam on top of a tomato and squashed7 it, and they had to pick out the tomato with a tea-spoon. And then it was George's turn, and he trod8 on the butter. Then they stepped on things, and put things behind them; and then couldn't find them when they wanted them; and they packed the pies at the bottom and put heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in. They upset salt over everything. They put butter on a chair, and Harris sat on it, and it stuck to him, and they went looking for it all over the room. "I am sure I put it down on that chair," said George, staring at the empty place. "I saw you do it myself, not a minute ago," said Harris. Then they started round the room again looking for it; and then they met again in the centre, and stared at one another. "It's so strange," said George. "So mysterious!" said Harris. Then George got round at the back of Harris and saw it. "Why, here it is all the time," he exclaimed. "Where?" cried Harris, spinning round. "Stand still, can't you!" roared George, flying after him. And they got it off, and packed it in the tea-pot. 2. Прочитайте уважно текст, щоб повністю зрозуміти його. Знайдіть у ньому і випишіть англійські еквіваленти таких словосполучень і речень: нарешті, звичайно, подібно до Харріса, покласти речі назад, одна за одною, зробити решту, купа тарілок. Вони розбили чашку. Я упевнений, що поклав його на стілець. Вони запакували його в чайник. 3. Дайте відповіді на запитання. What did the three friends begin to do? Was their job interesting? Were they good travellers? What was bad in their work?