в) Закінчіть речення так, щоб вони відповідали змісту оповідання. 1) The shopkeeper went out to shut the windows and through the glass he saw ... . 2) "I'll have lots of fun," the shopkeeper said to himself as he thought of a way to punish ... . 3) Seth wanted to get out of the shop at once, but the shopkeeper ... . 4) Seth didn't know what to do. The butter began to ... . 3. Уважно прочитайте репліки співрозмовників. Підготуйтеся відтворити діалог за ролями. 4. Придумайте свій варіант заголовка до оповідання. 1. Прочитайте текст за 1 хв. і скажіть, про що йдеться в ньому. Pop music has permeated1 all the mass media2 — radio, television, cinema and the press. Yet, what is it? It obviously3 means more than just popular. Mozart is popular but he is certainly not pop. The Oxford English Dictionary cannot help those who are trying to find more or less exact definition4 to the word "pop". Music is the "art of combining sounds with a view to5 beauty of form and expression of emotion." Good music, like any good art, is characterized by its lasting qualities6. From this point of view, pop music may be seen as the antithesis7 of music. Pop music appeared in the mid-50s with the arrival8 of rock'n'roll. In the course of time rock came out of fashion, and moreover, every comedian9 added to his repertoire10 jokes about guitarists and singers in hippy-like wigs11. Yet, rock and its hybrids still form the mainstream12 of pop. A long-standing13 criticism of pop songs is that "You can't hear the words. About 99 per cent of songs are about "love", and most are not worth listening to14. On the other hand, those songs which have a lot to say are all too frequently16 pieces of literature16 accompanied by guitars17. Folk-singer Bob Dylan provided18 many examples of this. He can sing poetically about death, war, class attitude19 and justice20. A fairly simple message with a good melody has been found by the Beatles and occasionally by the other groups. Some of the Beatles' old songs still enjoy popularity today.